Thursday, September 3, 2009

Character Building In Progress...

I made many mistakes this week. Loss attracts another loss and so on. This is what we called Law Of Attraction. But I will manage it. I built a mental positive attitude like 'Oh, it's a called to make $500 per day minimum'. Or the sign of my progress through my trading journey.

The lesson from hard day is precious and couldn't compare with how much money you paid for that. So I started feel happy, don't look at my account, just focusing on making money.

Another lesson is I can't think clearly when handling overnight contract. It's like a burden and never got used to it. So I will make money with day trading, and return to my pace, even better.

First thing to make me feel happy was giving money to someone who need. And I've done that. Feel? Warm and Abundance.

Let's Trade...

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