Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Decent Profit For Week Starter

Nett Profit $140++

I know it's small compared to market movement on Monday. But the thing is no matter how small my profit compared to market I felt more comfortable. My Self-Respect increased and I know I am not a loser.

The things I learnt from yesterday is I had a good trade IF I dare to cut loss early. Even like sometime ago I had to cut loss because of the wrong click, not a wrong movement. I dared to cut loss and in seconds I lost more than $100++.

But I got up and finish the day with more than $100 profit.

THe same things happen when I realized I buy too low delta contract. I scratch and entered with higher delta. Hell I even made profit from CALL Options.

I think this is what we called Reflex. The Price won't wait for you. Do it right and let the market decided.

I planned to cut loss early and take profit even quicker today. Knowing your limit is also important. For example, when your position against you, without hesitation got out and entered the reversal contracts.

One Secret I learnt that I never got bad trades when I cut loss very early. I won't let the loss I took cloud my judgement.

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